Exclusive Membership


Starting &
Operating Business

Learning &
Ongoing Education

Growing Business

New Tech for Your Business

Discounts on Business Expenses

Benefits for You & Employees

Networking & Relationships

Note: Since we are not accepting paid members at this time, all these benefits are being re-evaluated. Once we relaunch paid memberships, we will re-evaluate what benefits will included for paid members only. Let us know what is important for you!

Starting & Operating Business

The business world has turned upside down.  This pandemic is challenging us to do business in a new way.  Entrepreneurs on the Move TM is researching multiple technologies to help you survive in these chaotic times.  We are also negotiating discounts that will directly impact your business like discounted professional services, training and perks that will make your company more attractive to work for.


Get support to take your business to the next level, solve problems or explore new methods.

Discounted Services for business operations

  • Bookkeeping
  • CPAs
  • Legal Services
  • Management Consulting

Discounted Software for business operations

  • Quickbooks
  • Xero
  • Customer Relationship Managers (CRM)
  • IT Hosting/Support


  • Working with microlenders
  • Understand the process through online training


Streaming media training for small businesses.  Available on ROKU and other platforms.

Topics:  Public Relations, e-commerce, Human Resources, QuickBooks and more.

Included with your monthly membership fee.

Online Courses

  • Multiple free resources
  • Exclusive courses with negotiated reduced pricing

External Resources

We have searched to find resources that will build your knowledge base.  These include specialties like human resources, payment systems, mentoring resources and more.

Learning & Ongoing Education

The hardest part about being a small business owner is you have to be “all things to all people.”  Each owner needs to learn new skills.  Entrepreneurs on the Move TM provides a platform with multiple resources for training opportunities.

Growing Your Business

Each virtual networking meeting will provide training that will increase your efficiencies like “closing a sale,” “networking for customers,” and other topics to help increase your sales, grow your customer base,  and more topics to increase your efficiencies.


Each virtual networking meeting will provide training, opportunities to profile your company to a larger audience and resources to not only meet people at the meeting, but find customers, suppliers and partners by searching the Marketing Database.


Discounts on...

  • Press release Development & Distribution
  • TV commercial advertisements
  • Monthly live and virtual seminars
  • Annual Conferences
  • Digital Online Advertisements
  • TV Interviews

Ongoing Training

We are developing training to help you learn new technologies.  These courses are included as part of your membership either FREE or discounted pricing.  How can we help you? 


Grow your circle in person at networking events and meetings with other entrepreneurs.


New Digital Office application with exclusive discounts.


We are also exploring how these technologies can interface with older, established technologies to make your operations more efficient.  Join and grow with us!


Entrepreneurs on the Move TM is exploring new technologies to save your business in these challenging times. We will:

  • Search for solutions to do business a new way and save our small businesses
  • Test and research these new technologies, how they can help you
  • And then negotiate discounts and develop training to get these new technologies in your hands as fast as possible.

Discounts on Business Expenses

Entrepreneurs on the Move TM is in the process of negotiating discounts that will help your business.


Email, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One drive storage 50 GB, One Note, SharePoint, power automation, yammer, teams and more

Merchant Accounts

We researched and identified two companies that can help you and their rates beat other services.  You must qualify, but you will save substantially using either of the services we identified.

Benefit Packages

  • GoodRX reduced drug costs
  • Telemedicine
  • Senior Citizen Resources

Lifestyle Discounts

There are 15 categories of lifestyle discounts like hotels, travel, movie tickets, retail discounts and services.  The average savings in the program we chose is reported to be $2000/ person/ year.

Benefits For You & Employees

Entrepreneurs on the Move TM is negotiating different benefits that will make your company more attractive to work for.  We searched medical and many other programs and chose the programs that give you the best offerings.

Networking & Building Relationships

Entrepreneurs on the Move TM is a community of business owners and builders like yourself. Connect with other members and share ideas, trade services and work together to grow your businesses.

Member Connect

Find other members that you feel you'll have synergy with! Connect and message safely from the website.


Sell and trade with other members.

Join Today!

Access countless resources to catalyze the growth of your venture and become a voice for the small business community.